Customizing Blogspot or Blogger templates sometimes can be frustrating. Tonnes of tutorials & guides shared by bloggers can be found on the internet but most tutorials are outdated & some too specific for a certain Blogspot theme.
Luckily for BlogrCart Blogger store blogspot templates, introduced since 2011, most of Blogger native widgets ( or sometimes referred to Blogger Gadgets ) can be used at
> Layout
section. These widgets can still be dragged & dropped to their positions were it applies too without errors.
There are custom widgets, which comes pre-installed, just to make Blogger store owners's life much easier for the first install. These custom Blogger widgets is being included in theme to cater for the many functions the theme was built for. Hence to lower down template errors, which also gives you more room for you to customize (which included extending) the existing functionalities.
In this video we show you how a custom Blogger Header widget is utilized to the fullest with the added functions built with a custom Blogspot store themes. No code editing required, adding background image to your Blogger template header, customizing the text for the Header, & selecting your favorite fonts using Blogger advanced Template Designer makes your customization much easier.
This will definitely help you set-up your on-line store in minutes & customize to your desired preferences. Especially when thinking on how to publish your store products, good news, BlogrCart Blogger store themes comes with Product Post Editor Helper (PEH). Really speeds up things when publishing your products on-line.
View the full Blogger store shopping template collection here at Blogger themes gallery . Certainly, these Blogger themes are more than just a blogspot shopping store template & 100% works too!
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