RawGit CDN will be shutting down soon (thanks RawGit for all these years!). All CDN files is now delivered by https://cdn.staticaly.com/. W...
Blogger has discontinued the auto Add Widget functionalities as of 10/2024. All widgets requires manual additions. Sorry for the disruptions.
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Blogger is great platform to publish contents online easily & for users who are about to learn HTML & CSS, it is a good place to sta...
Blogger default injected javascript & widget.js have been in every Blogger theme developer & designer nightmare -- poor blog pages p...
Customizing new responsive Blogger theme for example Soho, Emporio, Notable & Contempo is made easy using the Add CSS box used with Blog...
New shopping cart widget for Blogger blogs -- transform your blog & sell products using your blog posts instantly! Visit Add Shopping Cart Widget Page to learn more.