Facebook Published Comments Disappears Issue & Fixes for Blogger Blogs with HTTPS

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Blogger platform users using blogspot.com or custom domain blogs when switching to HTTPS may encounter issues with Facebook comments plugin not displaying earlier published comments in blog post or pages.

In this article we will learn why this issue happens on Blogger blogs with HTTPS, why Facebook comments plugin not displaying published comments & address the quick & easy fix to regain earlier published comments for HTTPS enabled blogs.

Fix Facebook Comments Plugin Disappears for Blogger Blogs with HTTPS

Why Facebook Comments Disappears When Enabling HTTPS?

When you have earlier installed your Facebook Comments plugin at your Blogger blogs, your blog URLs uses HTTP as the canonical URLs.

When enabling HTTPS, the URL referred to by Facebook Comments plugin is changed, which is the reasons no comments data could be retrieved at Facebook.

Here's more explanation by Facebook for Developer Help page regarding moving URLs & how Facebook plugins uses attributes.


When resolving which url a like or share action or comments should be attributed to, Facebook uses a process to resolve the canonical url for url that's been loaded. When a URL is loaded, the crawler will look for:
  • A HTTP 301 or 302 Redirect
  • The use of rel=canonical as described in RFC 6596. (Facebook's crawler only supports content, not HTTP headers.)

By controlling the canonical URL you can move content from one URL to another and retain like & share counts and published Facebook comments -- as long as you allow Facebook to continue to resolve the new URL into the old one.

Fix Facebook Comments Lost/Disappears After Enabling HTTPS on Blogger Blogs

  • Backup your current Blogger Theme beforehand.
  • Go to Theme > click Edit HTML
  • Find <head> tag.
  • Place below immediately after the <head> tag

<meta property='og:url' expr:content='data:blog.url.canonical.http' />

  • Click Save Theme
  • Refresh your blog ages with published Facebook comments to see the results.

My Facebook Comments Box still Displays Empty Comments?

To ensure that your Facebook plugin is updated, you may require to complete below troubleshooting:-

  • Clear your web browser cookies & cache, close web browser & relaunch your web browser.
  • Re-scrape your blog pages URLs using Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool

Keep in mind, if however any comments made & published when you have enabled HTTPS, these newer comments may not display. The reasons is due to Facebook comments plugin crawlers is now searching/retrieving your blog age HTTP URLs instead.

Further details & acknowledged working solution can be viewed here Facebook Comments Lost after Enabling HTTPS.

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