Adding INR India Rupee Currency with Blogger Shopping Cart Widget - BlogrCart-eX

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Settings to apply INR India Rupee currency used with BlogrCart-eX Blogger shopping cart widget for Blogger blogs. Add & install custom widgets to any Blogger themes instantly & start selling online on your blog posts like ecommerce websites do!

If you have not installed BlogrCart-eX Blogger shopping cart widget yet, you can add one to your blog at this installation page. No passwords needed, no programming required & no codes to copy & paste.

What users saying about BlogrCart widgets for Blogger blog -- Feedback from users.

Shopping Cart widget for Blogger INR Currency Settings

Once successfully installed & placed BlogrCart-eX at your Blogger Layout, then use below setup to update the currency to IDR with Rp as currency symbol. Here's how:-

  • Go to Layout 
  • Find your Shopping Cart widget then click Edit (or Pencil icon).
  • At widget body scroll to the very bottom.
  • Copy below currency setup and paste in widget body.

    code: 'INR', 
    symbol: 'R ', 
    name: 'India Rupee', 
    accuracy: 2,
    after: false

  • Click Save to save your widget
  • Click Save Arrangements and preview your changes.

Paypal does not support INR as currency at checkout -- checkout at Paypal's will auto convert to use USD instead. To apply auto INR to USD conversions at Paypal checkout, contact us for further details.

If you have any suggestion or feedback regarding BlogrCart-eX, leave a comment below or contact us via our contact page here. Enjoy!
New shopping cart widget for Blogger blogs -- transform your blog & sell products using your blog posts instantly! Visit Add Shopping Cart Widget Page to learn more.

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