Tutorial Shopping Cart Checkout to Paypal Supported Currency - BND/PKR/INR to USD

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BlogrCart Blogger store template & themes which comes pre-installed with shopping cart by simplecartjs - a simple & lightweight e-commerce plug-in for websites (& blogs), makes it easy to manage your e-commerce blogspot template functionalities with its built-in functions.

Since that Paypal only supports 30+ currencies to receive payments.or make transactions, now with BlogrCart blogger store templates, any currency can checkout to Paypal supported currency from their Blogger store.

Why Paypal? Paypal is the leading online payment gateway that supports multiple currencies, secured & safe. It also provides a minimal transaction fee, which is so affordable for small business owners. No monthly occurring fees, highly recommended for blogger store owners who were thinking of expanding product sales outside their region.

Use alternative currency checkout to Paypal tutorial for shopping carts

Below is the tutorial (and detail code functions) on how to update your BlogrCart Blogger store theme currency (& prices) using currency examples like Indian Rupee (INR) to USD (US Dollar), Brunei Dollar (BND) to USD & Pakistani Rupee to USD. This is due to unavailability of these  currency support at Paypal payment/online transactions for checkout.

Now Blogger store owners using our BlogrCart themes (namely BlogrCart MNMLUS Theme) can receive on-line payments using Paypal supported currencies, with prices calculated automatically from their BlogrCart Blogger store checkout page.

If you do not have a BlogrCart MNMLUS theme, then download one here for FREE, unzip the files, create a new blog, upload & install the template.

Full tutorial & step by step guide with videos & illustrations is included at the respective demo live & working templates itself.

This tutorial could be used at BlogrCart freemium theme collections where the cart-paypal-settings are available. Users of BlogrCart MNMLUS template is using the advance version with unlimited currency store changer & unlimited shipping by weight options.

How to Update Shopping Cart Prices & Checkout Using Available Currency to Paypal

In template editor find <b:includable id='cart-paypal-settings'> & expand to view the detail settings.

Now update the ENTIRE codes to below:-

Update checkout from INR to USD at Paypal

Currency rate checked on 30th August 2015.

function passPaypal(){
    // get the currency exchange rate
    // note that this will be updated by store owner & depends on current currency exchange rates
    // below is example for INR to USD exchange rate (30 Aug 2015) 
    // update to preferred exchange rate to currency set
    var currency_exchange_rate = 0.015;
    // grab the item prices in variable
    var listed_item_price = item.get('price');
    // calculate the updated USD prices 
    var new_price_USD = listed_item_price * currency_exchange_rate; // divide or times the currency exchange rate
    // set the updated prices for the items
    item.set('price', new_price_USD);
    checkout: {
      type: "PayPal",
      email: "your_email@gmail.com",
      sandbox: false,
      success: "/p/success.html",   // return URL
      cancel: "/p/error.html"       // error URL
  // use USD as new checkout currency
  //optional use other available currency codes available for Paypal
  // checkout to Paypal using updated price and currency

With the help of our good friend Google, search on the current exchange rate between INR/BND/PKR to USD. Do keep in mind, updating the currency rate is up to your responsibility.

Below is an example using Brunei Dollar (BND) to checkout using USD & pay at Paypal.

Update checkout from BND to USD at Paypal

Currency rate checked on 30th August 2015.

function passPaypal(){
    // get the currency exchange rate
    // note that this will be updated by store owner & depends on current currency exchange rates
    // below is example for BND to USD exchange rate (30 Aug 2015) 
    // update to preferred exchange rate to currency set
    var currency_exchange_rate = 0.71;
    // grab the item prices in variable
    var listed_item_price = item.get('price');
    // calculate the updated USD prices 
    var new_price_USD = listed_item_price * currency_exchange_rate; // divide or times the currency exchange rate
    // set the updated prices for the items
    item.set('price', new_price_USD);
    checkout: {
      type: "PayPal",
      email: "your_email@gmail.com",
      sandbox: false,
      success: "/p/success.html",   // return URL
      cancel: "/p/error.html"       // error URL
  // use USD as new checkout currency
  //optional use other available currency codes available for Paypal
  // checkout to Paypal using updated price and currency

Update checkout from Pakistani Rupee (PKR) to USD at Paypal

Currency rate checked on 30th August 2015.

function passPaypal(){
    // get the currency exchange rate
    // note that this will be updated by store owner & depends on current currency exchange rates
    // below is example for PKR to USD exchange rate (30 Aug 2015) 
    // update to preferred exchange rate to currency set
    var currency_exchange_rate = 0.0096;
    // grab the item prices in variable
    var listed_item_price = item.get('price');
    // calculate the updated USD prices 
    var new_price_USD = listed_item_price * currency_exchange_rate; // divide or times the currency exchange rate
    // set the updated prices for the items
    item.set('price', new_price_USD);
    checkout: {
      type: "PayPal",
      email: "your_email@gmail.com",
      sandbox: false,
      success: "/p/success.html",   // return URL
      cancel: "/p/error.html"       // error URL
  // use USD as new checkout currency
  //optional use other available currency codes available for Paypal
  // checkout to Paypal using updated price and currency

Highlighted yellow is the additional codes to update your shopping cart item prices to checkout to Paypal & update the final prices using the US Dollar as the payment currency (USD).

Some useful notes:-
  1. Check on the current currency exchange rates & update accordingly at the remarks included.
  2. Make sure the default currency used (at your Blogger store) is not the final currency to use at Paypal checkout.
  3. Use the available currency code pre-built with simpleCartjs shopping cart plug-in & also the currency codes supported at Paypal.
  4. Always a good practice to notify your users if selecting checkout to Paypal, the items prices will be updated to a new price due to incompatibility (not supported) currency at/to your Paypal checkout.
  5. This function is tested & works very well with our PRO themes which you can download here at our Markeplace.

The advance Paypal checkout function can also be updated at our other BlogrCart Blogger store themes, freemium or PRO, can be downloaded here at our marketplace here
New shopping cart widget for Blogger blogs -- transform your blog & sell products using your blog posts instantly! Visit Add Shopping Cart Widget Page to learn more.

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