Fix Blogger Blog Homepage Error Code bX-hso9dt

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For the past week or so, we have seen a lot of reports from Blogger users facing the Blogger error code bX-hso9dt issue, Whoops, that's an error page.

This happens when viewing the blog homepage,  on mobile devices. Viewing any other blog pages works fine, on mobile or on desktop views.

Blogger users using default Blogger themes & custom 3rd party themes was caught of guard, with this dreaded Blogger blog homepage error code bX-hso9dt displayed on screen.

An example of the error code bX-hso9dt will look like this:-

Blogger error code bX-hso9dt homepage issue

Here's the simple solution to solve this Blogger Error Code bX-hso9dt issue...

How to Fix Blogger Issue Error Code bX-hso9dt

  1. Go to your blog Settings > Errors and Redirects
  2. Click Custom Redirects, remove the redirect setup you've created to redirect the blog urls with "?m=1" to "/". (Refer below image)
  3. Press Delete
  4. Click Save
  5. Refresh your blog homepage & the page should be viewable on mobile view.

Fix blogger error code custom redirects

The image above, the urls for blogger pages redirect does not work, you do not need to do anything to remove these special parameters.

Blogger blogs works fine with these parameters, there's nothing wrong with ?m=1 when your blog is viewed on mobile. 

Web crawlers looks at the blog canonical url outputted at all blog page meta data -- if your blog has one.

This meta data with a canonical url is provided on any default Blogger themes. If you have a custom 3rd party Blogger theme, then check with your theme maker.

Here's the reference forum thread showing the Blogger error fixes:

New shopping cart widget for Blogger blogs -- transform your blog & sell products using your blog posts instantly! Visit Add Shopping Cart Widget Page to learn more.

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