This will be a series of tutorials on Blogger (formerly known as Blogspot) e-commerce equipped template with shopping cart functions custom currency settings. The demo and download linksto the Blogger template which uses this functionality can be located further below.
BlogrCart White & BlogrCart Plus uses simplecartjs, a lightweight javascript shopping cart library plug-in to incorporate the shopping cart functionalities for your e-commerce blog. This plug-in is so versatile & easy to use with only basic HTML required brought to you by the good people of Wojo Design Group.
Shopping Cart Currency Settings for Indonesian Rupiah
In your BlogrCart Blogger template, find these codes below.<script> simpleCart.currency({ code: "MYR" , name: "Malaysia Ringgit" ,; symbol: "RM " , < delimiter: "," , decimal: "." , after: false , accuracy: 2 }); </script>
The initial set-up will output Ringgit Malaysia and MYR as its symbol. To customize the BlogrCart e-commerce template for Blogger currency settings to Indonesian Rupiah, REPLACE above codes to below:-
<script> simpleCart.currency({ code: "IDR" , name: "Indonesian Rupiah" , symbol: "Rp" , delimiter: "," , decimal: "." , after: false , accuracy: 2 }); </script>
Here is an explanation on how it works & integrated with the built-in shopping cart plug-in:-
This codes calls the currency function built in from the plug-in library. It tells the plug-in library that you require a custom currency for your Blogger template with shopping cart.
code: "IDR",
This code tells the plug-in that you want to use IDR as your custom currency code. Use only international currency codes which you can grab from "Google-ing". Also re-check with the currency codes used at Paypal (if you are using Paypal checkout functionalities).
name: "Indonesia Rupiah" ,
Now you are telling the shopping cart to save the name as "Indonesian Rupiah". this will be useful as most on-line payment processors requires the name of your currency to include with. The shopping cart plug-in has already included this feature to ease on customizations which most payment processors requires this.
symbol: "Rp" ,
This will be the symbol used & displayed at your Blogger template using e-commerce features. You can also use valid HTML hex or decimal codes to display your currency codes of choice. Note that this will only be displayed at your store and not used to configure the settings at your payment processor end.
For instance to display the dollar sign (aka symbol), add this code in between the quotes -
$ - using HTML decimalor
$ - using HTML Hex
Here's a great website to allow you to find HTML hex & decimal codes for your currency, which is valid to use (and display properly) on most browsers
delimiter: "," ,
Adding the "comma" in between the delimiter quotes tells the plug-in to insert a comma after the amount counts of thousand. For instance - Rp 1000.00, if it is set will now look like so - Rp 1,000.00
decimal: "." ,
This will add a decimal after the trailing cents amount from your cart. Here's an example Rp 1,000,000.00
after: false ,
Changing this code to true, your currency symbol will be added AFTER the amount integer in your Blogger shopping cart. An example will look like so 1,000,000.00 Rp
accuracy: 2
This will allow you to configure the maximum accuracy amount calculated in your cart. For the above settings, the cart will calculate with a trailing .00 (2 digits) accuracy.
This closes the custom currency functions for the shopping cart plug-in library.
We hope that this tutorial explains the use on how to customize your shopping cart currency & to ease your customizations for your e-commerce featured Blogger template. Once changed here, your Blogger template will automatically update accordingly using your new currency settings.
More custom Blogger shopping cart settings is shared RIGHT HERE! Use the search bar (above) or navigate to our drop down tutorial links to find out more.
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